A few scanning tips


Color Tint Tool

The standard color tint tool allows balancing a small color cast. For larger problems, the Curve tool is most useful.

This is the ScanWizard Color Tint tool, and it includes selection of negative film types too. If film capability is detected (TMA or film scanner present), and if negative film mode is selected, then Film Type and an Exposure control for negatives becomes visible in this window. This Exposure control should be used for negatives, and the regular system Exposure control is used for positives (slides) and reflective (prints).

ScanWizard does not allow enabling the Color Calibration mode (auto color correction) in negative mode, due to the complexity of removing and inverting the orange mask. If your film type is supported, then most images do not require much color adjustment, and it is easy to do when it is needed.

If the image has a mild color cast, say yellow overall, just click the color wheel on the opposite side of the center from yellow (blue), and you can then see the color results in the preview. If there is too much of one color, just click to move the center point toward the opposite side of the wheel from the color of that cast. If you need more of a color, then add on the same side of the wheel as that color, but normally it is much more clear that we have too much of a color rather than too little. The Angle around the wheel's center determines the color affected, and the Radius out from the center determines how much color change effect is made.

Umax MagicScan 4.2 selects negative film type when the negative mode is selected (enabled if a TMA is detected).

MagicScan 4.2 has three separate color tools. The regular one on the left below is a standard color wheel that works as mentioned above. For grins, it is shown removing the blue "cast" of the background, by moving the center point away from blue. There is also a similar tool with an eyedropper to neutralize color casts automatically. Click its eyedropper on a spot in the image that should be black or white or gray neutral, and any cast found in that neutral color will be removed from the entire image.

The one on the right below (Umax Magiscan 4.2) is much like Photoshop, it can individually affect the Shadow, Midrange, or Highlight tones. This is often very important, because color cast is often not linear over the entire tone range.

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